American Legion Maintains Partnership with Student Veterans of America


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American Legion

Located in Wilkes-Barre, PA, Daniel “Dan” Hohal possesses extensive experience in the insurance industry. Away from his work, Daniel Hohal’s interests include a number of charities and nonprofit organizations, including the American Legion.

One of the missions of the American Legion is to expand educational opportunities for veterans and ensure that veterans understand the scholarships and programs available to them. To achieve this goal, the American Legion has supported Student Veterans of America (SVA) since its inception in 2008.

With chapters at institutions of higher learning across the United States, SVA provides support to veterans from their peers and colleagues as they pursue their educational goals. Together, the American Legion and SVA have undertaken a number of initiatives to improve the GI Bill and ensure that veterans have access to excellent academic counseling.

The two organizations have also fought for extending in-state tuition to veterans. To maintain this important partnership, the assistant director of the Veterans Employment and Education Division of the American Legion recently announced that both organizations would sign a memorandum of understanding to keep communication channels open between them.